Media Centre LIME

Media Centre LIME is a media learning environment of Keski-Pohjanmaan koulutusyhtymä, producing media training for students in education leading to a qualification or a degree, as well as audiovisual media training and development services.

Media Centre LIME is a media learning environment of Keski-Pohjanmaan koulutusyhtymä, producing media training for students in education leading to a qualification or a degree, as well as audiovisual media training and development services.

Media Centre LIME produces various production services together with working life partners, such as video and film productions, visual productions, sound and event productions, and animation and special effects productions. Our strengths include diverse expertise and high-standard learning and production environments.

The Media Centre aims to act more widely as a regional learning centre that develops expertise and expertise structures of regional enterprises and organisations in digital communications together with its cooperation network. Our operating environment also has the technical preparedness for commercial activities, and therefore also regional media companies and other organisations have been able to utilise our expertise, facilities and equipment.

The added value of the service produced by Media Centre LIME comes from the development of the client’s expertise and services and from the improvement of visibility. With the production services, the region’s enterprises and organisations have received more visibility. We have, e.g. implemented more than 500 video productions in our region for various actors (business life, sports clubs, arts events, etc.). Innovation activities, on the other hand, enable, e.g. investigation, testing and piloting of new products, services and technologies. Added value is created from new products and services that expand the service provision of existing enterprises and enable creation of new kinds of entrepreneurship.



Available equipment

Media production environments (e.g. studio facilities for video, film and TV productions), diverse AV production technology and distribution environments (WebTV, video streaming).




KPEDU – The Federation of Education in Central Ostrobothnia


Digital solutions & ICT, Innovative technologies & production processes

Growth sectors

Sustainable tourism & appeal, New emerging industries


TRL 7-9


Janne Erkkilä
+358 44 725 0834