
EcoSairila is a modern and comprehensive industrial centre and development platform for circular economy, combining a modern wastewater treatment plant, biogas plant, up-to-date testing environments and entrepreneurship for circular economy.

EcoSairila is a modern and comprehensive industrial centre and development platform for circular economy, combining a modern wastewater treatment plant, biogas plant, up-to-date testing environments and entrepreneurship for circular economy.

The objective of EcoSairila’s modern development platform for wastewater treatment for circular economy is to strengthen research, product development, and innovation and training activities, develop the service business for the water sector, and commercialise new solutions in water technology and wastewater treatment concepts.

The coordination of regional services and operations related to EcoSairila’s circular economy development platform aims for enterprises to have added value by utilising the technical and biological raw material flows, energy, technology and services that are produced by the enterprises and that are directed to the region. The development platform is built on cooperation between the private and public sector, competence and training, regional research and product development work, and infrastructure.

The comprehensive service chain of EcoSairila’s operations is enabled by the RDI organisations LUT University and South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Xamk, whose own research and test environments can be utilised in cooperation in the design and testing of new circular economy concepts.  EcoSairila’s development platform uses a number of environments supporting the product development operations of enterprises through the regional cooperation network. The RDI platform available for utilisation consist of regional research, development and innovation environments and productional units suitable for development environments.

Available equipment

EcoSairila enables, e.g.

  • treatment of various waste waters as test batches, including fraction analytics (e.g. process waters) and an assessment of their further utilisation possibilities.
  • The available entity includes a possibility to utilise the test environments and expertise of the partners LUT and Xamk with respect to water analytics, waste laboratory and energy laboratories.


South Savo


Mikkeli Development Miksei


Clean technologies & low carbon solutions, Industrial circular economy, Innovative technologies & production processes

Growth sectors

Bio economy & new products, Chemical industry, New emerging industries


TRL 1-3, TRL 4-6, TRL 7-9


Panu Jouhkimo
+358 44 598 6854