Energy Cluster of Pohjois-Savo
The objective of the Energy Cluster of North Savo is to improve the possibilities for enterprises in the energy sector to innovate, utilise the services of the research institutes, develop products and that way grow and succeed also in the international market.
The objective of the Energy Cluster of North Savo is to improve the possibilities for enterprises in the energy sector to innovate, utilise the services of the research institutes, develop products and that way grow and succeed also in the international market.
The cluster supports companies operating in the energy sector in different stages of innovation processes from the identification of product ideas to commercialisation
- by offering measurement, testing, analysis and survey services for the analysis and improvement of efficiency of existing energy conversion processes
- by offering laboratory facilities and measurement equipment for testing of new products
- by offering testing environments and measurement equipment for the piloting of new product ideas
- by building new testing environments according to the companies’ needs
- Fuel analyses
- Emission measurements
- Combustion tests and combustion chamber behaviour with mixed fuels
- Furnace testing
- Manufacture of functional materials for batteries, water treatment and the medicine industry
- Energy Research Centre of Savonia University of Applied Sciences
- UEF’s aerosol and fine particle laboratory
Savonia University of Applied Sciences
University of Eastern Finland
Navitas Business Services
Clean technologies & low carbon solutions, Industrial circular economy, Innovative technologies & production processes
Growth sectors
Bio economy & new products, Manufacturing industry
TRL 1-3, TRL 4-6, TRL 7-9
Markku Huhtinen
+358 44 785 6763