Oamk SimLab/OuluHealth Labs

Oamk SimLab is a diverse testing, development and innovation environment for the social welfare and healthcare sector, which companies and partners can use in product development in health technology and wellbeing services. The service environment is the social welfare and healthcare campus environment of the Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

Oamk SimLab is a diverse testing, development and innovation environment for the social welfare and healthcare sector, which companies and partners can use in product development in health technology and wellbeing services. The service environment is the social welfare and healthcare campus environment of the Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

Oamk SimLab together with Oys TestLab and Oulu Welfare Lab forms a testbed innovation platform, OuluHealth Labs, which is part of the OuluHealth ecosystem and Oulun Innovaatio Allianssi.

The key activities are strengthening of multidisciplinary cooperation and expertise in the innovation, research and development of future products and services. The vision promotes products and services that support the health and wellbeing of the population by utilising new technology and the region’s vitality, competitiveness of enterprises and internationalisation.

SimLab environments are formed of adaptable technology-supported simulation studios and healthcare specialist environments (bioanalytics, rehabilitation, optometrics, radiography, radiology, and oral healthcare). We offer enterprises and organisations and other stakeholders a diverse opportunity to innovate and test social welfare and healthcare products and services and train their personnel.

In the testing, we utilise the multidisciplinary work input of Oamk’s studies and expert teachers. If necessary, we invite, e.g. end users of products and specialist expertise of other sectors to take part in the activities. In the simulation environments, it is possible to safely test products in different stages of the innovation process. In the simulation environment, when we utilise computer-operated patient simulators, testing being the certification of the product does not require ethical licences.

Services and available equipment

  • User-oriented development, testing and innovation services
  • Leasing of facilities and tools
  • Presentations of simulation facilities
  • Tailored training and expert services for enterprises and communities
  • Simulation studios 7 + AV live connection to so-called debriefing facilities (adaptable into different care and service environments)
  • Computer-controlled patient simulators, total 10 (a mother in labour, newborn, toddler, adult) equipped with human basic bodily functions + various special features and patient monitors
  • Hospital equipment: e.g. respirator, anaesthesia machine, baby’s resuscitation equipment, defibrillators, drop counters, syringe pumps + …
  • Remote appointment and patient’s examination equipment
  • Daily care supplies and equipment for the examination and care of patients
  • New technology of the region’s health technology companies integrated in the studios
  • Specialist areas simulation and practice environmental and equipment:
    • Mahdollistava Koti (smart home) with installed environmental management system. The home has accessible and safe tools and construction and interior decoration solutions utilising technology the enables doing together and social interaction for different people.
    • Clinical laboratory: clinical chemistry, haematology, molecule and microbiology laboratories, cell culture laboratory and physiology laboratory (ECG and spirometry), sample and side testing facilities.
    • Optometrics lab: The optometrics environment has equipment suitable for eyesight testings, fitting of contact lenses, and the examination of eye health, as well as equipment suitable for workshops. You can test new research methods and research equipment in the facility.
    • Radiology and ultrasound lab and VR environment: patient phantoms and radiation protection equipment for the head and body areas in X-ray simulation use. X-ray device without contrast (CR and DR indicators), ptg and intraoral equipment for the imaging of teeth and scalp, a mammography equipment, mobile department imaging device, a C-arm are available for digital imaging. The quality of digital X-ray images can be examined, for example, with image quality/CDRAD phantom diagnostics displays. Diverse methods are used for the optimisation of patient doses, various radiation meters and, e.g. DoseAware software.
      360⁰ virtual simulation environments are used for magnetic, computer tomography, ultrasound and isotope studies.
    • Rehabilitation operating environments, and virtual and remote technology environments
    • Oral lab (at Dentopolis): The oral healthcare facility Dentopolis has 15 modern dental care units in care use including equipment and 16 phantom heads




Oulu University of Applied Sciences


Digital solutions & ICT, Innovative technologies & production processes

Growth sectors

New emerging industries


TRL 1-3, TRL 4-6, TRL 7-9


Tiina Tervaskanto-Mäentausta
+358 50 359 6192