Oulu Mining School Research Centre
The objective of Oulu Mining School is to create a nationally and internationally leading teaching and research unit for the mining sector. The establishment of the unit is based on the Oulu Mining School concept developed at the university, which is now expanding to an extensive expert hub in geology, ore prospecting, mining technology and beneficiation.
The Oulu Mining School research centre offers an extensive service concept for the needs of the extractive industry. In addition to determining geochemical services, such as precious metal analyses and ferrous iron, the services include dissolution and flotation laboratory services and, for example, sample preparation services in the form of concentrates, polishing and sawing of samples. The range of services also includes training in explosion planning and flotation.
- Humidity definitions (105°C)
- Definition of annealing loss 550°C SFS-EN 12879, 950°C,800°C, 600°C or 480°C
- pH definition: Water samples; SFS 3021, Soil samples; SFS-ISO 10390, leaching test
- Definition of electrical conductivity: Water samples; SFS-EN 27888, Soil samples/peat samples; ISO 11265, leaching test
- Aqua regia extraction 90°C; modified SFS-ISO 11466
- Aqua regia extraction, room temperature
- Partial extraction (weak extraction;) according to Tessier (modified)
- Precious metal analyses
- Precious metal extraction of a mineral sample (1g), Au; Kontas
- Pb Fire Assay, Au,Pt,Pd
- from a 20g sample, FAAS analysis.
- Full extraction and analysis of a mineral sample with FAAS
- Includes the elements: Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, Zn and Ag
- Extraction: HCl+HNO3+HF+HClO3
- Definition of ferrous iron; Fe2+ and Fe3, FeO%.
- Heavy media separation (Separatory funnel method)
- Heavy media used;
- LST (Sodiumheteropolytungstate) d= 2.82 g/l
- Can be diluted to the desired density.
- Methylene iodide d=3.32 g/l
- Fracture strength tests
- SHPB explosion study, simulation of rock explosion
- Bond Work index tests
- Separation of paramagnetic material
- Flotation tests
- Reception of flotation
- Particle size analyses
- Viscosity measurements
- Humidity definitions
- Specific weight measurements
- Testing of process charts
- Process water analyses
- Software testing
- Testing of reception in a continuous process
- Polished fine microsection
- XRF sample, press button, fusing agent
- Sawing services
Training services
- Flotation training
- Explosion planning training
University of Oulu, Oulu Mining School
Growth sectors
Santeri Kaisanlahti
+358 50 302 8738